

I’m a bit surprised that this story isn’t making more news. An Indiana man is suing the Pacers, their mascot and claiming injury when he took part in a free throw contest.

What the article says is, “the lawsuit states that Jackson began to leave the basketball court but was tackled from behind by the team’s mascot, “Boomer,” a 6-foot-tall blue cat with gold whiskers.”

After reading this lawsuit in its entirety, I’m a bit surprised by the media’s handling of this incident. What was presented was a much more scaled down version of the events of that night. Surprisingly, the media did not cover the thuggish actions of several Indiana Pacer ballplayers. Thankfully, we here at Joboo believe in several things, one of them being presenting the information to the public.

Oh, who the hell am I kidding, I saw that the lawsuit was not on the internet in its entirety (I’m looking at YOU thesmokinggun…) and we decided we just had to put this gem up. The beginning is a bit stale and mostly covered in the news article, however, this thing gets entertaining when Jeff Foster hits the scene. I know I’m asking for a leap of faith, but Trust me on that one.

The PDF should hopefully have attached itself below…

Pacers Lawsuit